Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Denial of Same Sex Marriage

            Same sex marriage is perfectly acceptable in my opinion, but this is about denying service to same sex marriage couples. I feel that people who own a business should have the right to offer their service to anyone they please. If they don’t want to offer their service to same sex couples, that’s their choice and everyone should just accept their business decision.
            I don’t understand the point of making a lawsuit against these photographers. If the photographers lost the case and had to do a photo shoot, they could just purposely do a poor job and waste their money anyways. Article 1 Section 8 Clause 18 of the constitution states that the constitution can bend and doesn’t have to be followed word for word. That also should mean that denying business to people should be an option that a business owner should have.

            I also think that there would be no lawsuit if a company decided to do just same sex marriage photos. Nobody would care to legally bother a photography company who just takes photos of same sex weddings. In my personal opinion, this same sex couple was just out to look for some free money in a lawsuit.

Monday, September 25, 2017

Possibly Amendment 28??????

Amendment #28
Year passed: 2017

No citizen in the US may start or join a clan or group of people who negatively target a specific race or gender. This also includes groups who are currently active in the targeting a specific race or gender will be terminated.

Monday, September 18, 2017

Harley teaches you the 13th Amendment

Harley Gibbs
13th amendment
  1. Summarize the amendment in 3 sentences or less
a.       This amendment was created to end slavery. Slavery cannot be used unless it’s punishable for crime. It forbids slavery in the US and any area under their control.

  1. Define any vocabulary terms (be ready to answer questions about any words or phrases you use!)
a.       Compulsory- required by law or a rule; obligatory.

  1. Answer the following:
What is the historical background of this amendment (why was it made?)
a.       It was created while Africans were being taken from their homes and forced into slavery.
b.        People felt that they were human beings and not pieces of property.
What does this amendment mean today?
a.       It was the start of the equality of all races like there is today
b.       Today in the US, slavery is still illegal and looked back on as a mistake.
Present examples of current issues involving this amendment.
a.       Race riots and issues occurring in Charlottesville where white supremacists believe that whites are the dominant race.
b.       Prisons using prisoners as free labor in Arizona.

Monday, February 6, 2017

An Asia Auschwitz

This story about Japan’s Shiro Ishii, Unit 731, and the experiments made on human beings while being alive, make me feel sick and wonder how any person could get away without being charged of any crime against humanity. This story has given me the outlook to have the opinion of hating the Japanese with a passion. I searched into this story and some interviews more than what that article has said and those men were laughing at some points while telling stories of them torturing people. I was in agreeance of dropping the bombs on Japan before reading this story, but now I wished we dropped a third one.
The question to me is why this man was and his assistants allowed to live out the rest of their lives with immunity for their horrible acts and crimes. I am honestly not sure why we would let these men go without any form of punishment. We could’ve gotten them to tell us their stories while we tell them we wouldn’t punish nor harm them and just capture and kill them after they are done. And NOBODY could tell us that we pulled a fast one or broke a law of humanity while lying to these men because these are probably the worst and most nasty men to ever live on this Earth.
The experiments pulled on these men were beyond anything I could even imagine. These people get to still roam the streets like regular civilians. They get treated the exact same way that I’m treated. I find the legal system to be pathetic in this situation along with other situations. I will never understand why these men are still roaming the streets with no torture or execution being done to them. This is a situation where the legal system needs to stop being “robotic” and have some human-like features to where these men get what they deserve.
Ishii and his men were not just doing experiments to Chinese prisoners. They were also doing experiments to Koreans, Soviets, and Mongolians. They even had plans to poison American cattle to make them worthless or even kill thousands of Americans with disease. They also had a plan to Kamikaze San Diego with several airplanes right before the war was finished. These men were doing experiments to defeat us in very wrong ways; ways that broke the laws of humanity.
Ishii and his men killed up to 12,000 men, women, and children in their facility, and not one person escaped or survived. The murderer of 12,000 men, women, and children got to live his whole life without any legal issues. The correct way to handle him legally is to give him the same punishment as to what he did to others. This story gave me the outlook to dislike the Japanese and also made me question why we give them any support with our military and financial aid. I don’t and will never feel bad about the bombings that America did to Japan to end World War II.

F1 Grid Girls

Harley Summary: This F1 article explains how Formula 1 races will no longer feature grid girls. The grid girls are the girls that we...