Monday, November 28, 2016

Muckraker Article

Shane Bauer was disguised as a prison guard for 4 months to expose the conditions of Winn Correctional Center in Louisiana. The prison's hunger for profit led to a lack of resources in the cell blocks that Bauer patrolled. Inmates were denied healthcare for serious illness. In July when he started, he figured out that it is a bad dream for prison guards and a hopeless nightmare for prisoners. Winn Correctional Center was a private prison. Private prisons are very difficult to get into and examine. 

Bauer realized that the only way to get into the prison was to disguise himself as a prisoner. 

Winn Correctional Center
Private prisons work a lot like hotels, the government pays the prison a daily fee for each inmate. The prison was lacking major resources that was needed for the prisoners. Profits were easily made when they had basically free labor from inmates and hardly any required resources. 

James West, Bauer's colleague, went to the prison one night to take photos of the prison. He was taken and charged with trespassing. Bauer quickly checked into a hotel and called in sick for the next day. By evening, his $10,000 was posted and he was released. Bauer went down to the lobby to find a security guard from the prison with handcuffs. He went out the side door, got in his truck, and went to his apartment and got all of his belongings. He later called HR and quit over the phone. 


Shane Bauer


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This was a very interesting article Harambe. I am glad that the detective went under cover and busted that private prison.

  3. Wow that is so cool, he went into a jail and exposed them for what they where doing. People should be know more about this and you should keep going with your blogging career! :)


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